Beyond Selfies: How Social Media can help (and hurt) our Mental Health
These days, many influencers, content creators and artists openly discuss mental health and well-being on their platforms. But the big question is: Can these online spaces actually help prevent something as serious as suicide? Suicide is a significant global health issue, with over 700.000 lives lost every year, according to the World Health Organization. Each of these tragedies has a ripple effect, impacting families, friends, and entire communities.
Generation Therapy: A Shift in Mental Health Perception
When I look back at how society viewed mental health in the 1900s, I realize just how much things have changed. Back then, psychology and therapy were seen as something to be ashamed of, with many people regarding psychological struggles as a sign of weakness. But even when therapy was considered, it was often in secret. There was little understanding of the importance of addressing mental health issues openly, and this affected generations of families—including mine.
Forever Goodbyes: Accepting Loss and Grief
How do you process grief? "By running from it until it finds me in the middle of a sunny street on a beautiful day." With all the beautiful things life has in the store with us, come the painful bits. One day, in one way or another, the absoluteness of death is something we must face.
Suicide Prevention Month: Conversations That Can Save Lives
September marks Suicide Prevention Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness, offering support, and paying closer attention to our own mental well-being and that of those around us. This month is about shifting public perception, spreading hope, and sharing vital information with those affected by suicide. It’s important to remember that suicidal thoughts, like mental health conditions, can affect anyone – regardless of age, gender, or background.
Video Game Addiction: A Peak Into Future’s Addiction Or Just The New Normal?
Video games didn’t just mean a fun hobby to kill time, now they meant connection. Rather than having experiences in real life, I was having virtual experiences to keep my friendships alive. The hours we spent playing Among Us didn’t value less than the hours we spent sitting around at the campus.
Social Connections: The Overlooked Ingredient in our Mental Well-being
As far back as Aristotle’s time, people understood the importance of community. He famously said that “humans are social animals”, meaning that people naturally wired to form relationships and live in groups. It’s not just about survival –strong social bonds help us thrive, find happiness, and reach our full potential. Even today, in our modern world, social connections are just as essential. In fact, our brains are built to expect interactions with others.
Dear friend.
Do you have a story you’d like to share with us? Whether it’s about mental health, personal experiences, inspiring turning points or simply your life journey? No rush, no pressure – we want to hear from you.
Your experiences could inspire others, spark meaningful conversations or simply remind someone they’re not alone.